Photo Booth Print Options
With your Fat Cat Photo Booth rental, five print options are available for you to choose from at no additional expense. You can choose the traditional 4"X 6" print (Option 1, 2, & 5) or two identical 2"X 6" print strips (Options 3 & 4). At this moment you are just selecting the format of your print, it's customization will come later.
If you choose to upgrade to 2 for 1 Prints ($100) you will receive two prints for Option 1, 2, & 5, and four strips for Option 3 & 4 per photo session.
If you choose our Scrapbook Service, we recomend choosing Option 3 or 4 so that one strip will go into the scrapbook and one is for your guests. If you would like Option 1, 2, or 5 we suggest 2 for 1 Prints so that there will be two print, again, one for the scrapbook and one for your guests.